How does PlasmaCAM compare to other machines?
"We were given a job by someone who has a $100K machine - his machine wasn't accurate enough to do it but ours [PlasmaCAM] did."
- Shane, Budrich Industires
"I was at a fair where a guy was selling some metal art. I asked him what he uses to cut it. He didn't recommend his machine, because he couldn't do much with it, but he recommended PlasmaCAM. He said PlasmaCAM has a good reputation in metal cutting."
- Steve, Martingayle Industries
"I went to look at another machine and it wasn't even in the same league. What really sold me on PlasmaCAM is that someone at Hypertherm unofficially recommended it highly, saying that it was the best thing in the price range."
- Andy, Artistic Display
"Our machine has given us nothing but headaches. The company kept selling us extra components to try and make it work better. When we get an order for parts, we just waste material with it. We're finally getting a PlasmaCAM."
- Kathy, Pearson Studio
[Referring to another machine:] "When someone brings me a design to cut, I have to grid the drawing. I have to program the drawing point by point - it's really tedious."
- Jim Reed, Titus Inc.
"I watched another machine that doesn't lift up and down - it was huge and expensive - and it seemed like a piece of junk compared to ours."
- Garney Baker, EGB
"We have a bigger machine also, but we do all our artwork on the PlasmaCAM. When it comes to detailed work,
the other machine doesn't even compare."- Robert Graves, Graves Fabricating
[Referring to another machine:] "This thing arrives here, and it's garbage. We rebuild the whole darn machine with this guy, and it's still garbage. So we sent it back to him...." [Referring to PlasmaCAM:] "The workmanship and fabrication is excellent."
- Jim Latour, Turbo Engineering
"Our gantry is way too heavy on this machine, and it's burning up my stepper motors!"
- Chris, Signature Surfaces
"I can't understand why other machines are designed with so much weight in the gantry and carriage. I've always hated that because it effects accuracy. I'm glad to see you've designed it on the light side and don't try to lug around too much weight."
- Drake Palmer, DP Metal Fab
"We have a $40K machine and we have a horrible time with the software. You get everything looking good on your screen, and then the machine does strange things when you actually cut."
- Eric Johnson Fabricating
"I have an expensive machine, and it has certain problems. You have to go back and change a lot of things when you run it, like pierce points, etc."
- Jim Foreman
"We've found only one other program that is supposed to convert scanned images, and we can never get it to do anything. This is why the PlasmaCAM software is so appealing."
- Hy Point Welding
"I've been trying to cut this intricate stuff with my my $40K. machine. It just looks horrible."
- Barry Rice, Double R Welding
"I have a 'brand x' machine and it can't handle this kind of cutting. I've tried 2 or 3 'patch remedies' that they offer, which didn't help."
- Doug O'Conner
"My system has a lot of capacity limitations in the controller. It can't handle the complex art designs."
- Tony Dunn
"Our other machine cost $60K. It never worked good. We had guys coming all the time to fix it."
- William Whitley, Production Plumbing & A/C
"I've got over $13K invested in my software alone, and yours will do more than mine will."
- (name unknown)
"I did a scene for a fireplace screen with my $50K machine. It took over 40 hours just to program it. It also runs out of memory when you try to cut things like that."
- Leo, Allen Sheetmetal
"We paid a good penny for our machine, and it can only cut ¼ inch. I wish we would've known about your system."
- Ted Pope, Ron Shepherd Ent
"Your machine is great. I work next to a $300K machine, and it can't do what your machine does."
- Dave Hanks, Hanks Ent
"I bought another machine and then I saw your PlasmaCAM video. I didn't realize the differences until I started putting it
together and using it. I had to grind parts to make them fit. It was a piece of junk! The program was horrible and couldn't
run the machine. I thought about getting the PlasmaCAM program to run it and realized it wasn't even worth it. We had to have
workers stand over it, then we had to do all the tracing and cutting by hand. I wish I would've bought a PlasmaCAM machine first."